Will they EVER learn?
It would be interesting what the repug TROLLS here think or their parties current and former leaders LYING about how Foley resigned, just to try to defend the DO NOTHING speaker of the repug do nothing congress:
From Glen Greenwald:
And then we have what can only be called the outright lie being disseminated
by Ken Melhman and Ed Gillespe, among others, both of whom claimed on television
yesterday that when the heroic Denny Hastert learned of the IMs last Friday, he
gave Mark Foley the ultimatum of either immediately resigning or being expelled
from Congress. Gillespe and Mehlman both trumpeted Hastert's heroism by claiming
that it is "the first time in 30 years in this town" that such a tough ultimatum
was given to a Congressman by a Speaker.
In fact, as Think Progress documents, the whole story is a complete fabrication. Hastert himself admitted that Foley had already resigned by the time Hastert even learned about the ABC report, and Hastert gave no such ultimatum to Foley. The whole thing is complete fiction --
just invented out of whole cloth -- and the GOP's leading political spokesmen
are now shamelessly reciting it as fact. What they are saying happened never
actually happened. It really is just that simple. This willingness to go on
television and just outright lie -- in a way that can be clearly demonstrated --
ought to be a story in itself.
You would THINK that at sometime the repugs would LEARN the LIE is just as bad as the crime.
1. Nixon was chased out of office for it,(he never would have RESIGNED with out the pressure on his own).
The Lie about Iran-Contra plagued Reagan, and cost Ollie North his military career, the FACT that Fox is willing to employ a KNOWN liar is telling about their quest for the truth.
Bob Livingston's lies about his affair(he had to LIE to his family and the Americans because he was guilty of exactly what he decried Clinton for.) cost HIM the speakership.
The Lie of Duke Cunningham when he claimed innocence before HE plead guilty did not help him stay out of prison.
The Lies of Abramoff cost many repugs their careers, Susan Ralston is just the latest victim.
NOW we have Melman and Gillispie lying to try to cover up Hastert's inactions, and possible lies of Hastert or his staff.
The repugs have NOT learned LIES do not work,
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