Thursday, October 05, 2006

I am so disgusted with the Foley scandal...

...that I'm about to burst! As a mother, I would be outraged if I found out that my son's 52 year old school teacher was sending lurid and lewd emails to him! It has got to be a horrible feeling knowing that a person you trust is acting like this towards your child and then when you make the calls to the appropriate people, you find out that nothing, if any, was done about it. I can't even imagine how the mother of this page feels knowing that Foley has been doing this for 11 years now and hasn't had any oversight or punishment because of his actions. Dispacable. The whole thing is dispacable.

Denny Hastert is in charge of the Pages as Speaker of the House. It is his responsibility to tend to the needs of these kids should situations arise. He's been the Speaker for 7 years now and knowing that Foley has been prowling upon the pages for 11 years, it's an outrage to me that
Hastert has decided that he is not to blame, says he didn't know a thing about these perverted emails, and thinks that he will be re-elected in November and doesn't feel the need to step down at this time! The man is insane and needs to have his own children stalked by a child predator to understand why his decision to stay on is protecting the pedophile and not the child!

It's interesting to watch these republicans in the House fall all over each other and point their fingers at each other too. What is wrong with them? Why is it IMPOSSIBLE for the republicans to take ANY blame for ANYTHING? At this rate, one of them will rape a child live on t.v. and then will blame the child for not fighting back and saying "no!" at the appropriate times after the public becomes outraged by this republicans actions! Take some blame, you friggin Swines!!!!!!!!!! I've had it with ya!

Here's something very interesting to this whole story. Did a right winger or maybe a page create this website because they wanted this story to get out? Maybe a last resort since no one was listening? It makes me wonder if the chatter on the blogs is correct about A REPUBLICAN being the one to actually bring this out to the public right before the election, because the REAL conservatives in the House are disgusted by the action of their leaders and WANT THEM OUT IN NOVEMBER. Could be! The right wingers are saying that the democrats are behind all of this, but it now appears that the democrats in the House had little knowledge of it, especially since the republicans have been in control since 1994! Hmmmmmm....

I want my country back. I want oversight!! I've had it and I'm so disgusted with this whole thing and it's my hope that this "October Surprise" backfires on the republicans in November!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


After reading and reviewing various reactions to the weak and unconvincing press conference by House Speaker Hastert this afternoon, I think the GOP will force an end to the bloodletting. In days, it not hours, the Speaker, in my estimation, will resign.

Even FUAX News is now reporting that a highly regarded Republican pollster has the Congressman Foley episode, and Hastert’s mishandling of it, putting up to 50 GOP House seats in danger. The Republicans cannot enter next week with the same political dynamics on the table. The GOP must shuffle the deck and turn to the next chapter (not page) or they are going to implode.

While Democrats wish that Hastert stays for political purposes, the GOP power brokers will step in and stop the madness and demand Hastert retire. I think many had given Hastert a couple of days to right the ship and even use his press conference to show how he had things under control.

That has not occurred and I see nothing slowing down the GOP train wreck without a change in House leadership at this point. If Hastert resigns and a new face can be put on the House GOP there is at least a chance to slightly change the topic of the day.

Bottom line is Hastert will be forced out by Monday and a new week in the fall midterm elections.

Thursday, 05 October, 2006  
Blogger clif said...

Kay it is worse,

Three More Former Pages Accuse Foley of Online Sexual Approaches

Three more former congressional pages have come forward to reveal what they call "sexual approaches" over the Internet from former Congressman Mark Foley.

The pages served in the classes of 1998, 2000 and 2002. They independently approached ABC News after the Foley resignation through the Brian Ross & the Investigative Team's tip line on None wanted their names used because of the sensitive nature of the communications.

"I was seventeen years old and just returned to [my home state] when Foley began to e-mail me, asking if I had ever seen my page roommates naked and how big their penises were," said the page in the 2002 class.

The former page also said Foley told him that if he happened to be in Washington, D.C., he could stay at Foley's home if he "would engage in oral sex" with Foley.

Ops there goes a large part of the repugs talking points. It WAS happening in 2002, even 2000, but worst of all in 1998, when the repugs were HOWLING about a consensual blow job between Monica and Bill. They were coddling a child predator because he keep the seat in repug hands......sorry about their luck..................NOT

Thursday, 05 October, 2006  
Blogger KayInMaine said...

Hastert AND Boehner (Boner) both need to resign! The coverup was even on the floor of the House when Nancy Pelosi stood up and demanded an immediate investigation begin and Boner tried to sweep it under the take with a 'yea' and 'nay' vote, which Pelosi quickly reacted!!!

These current republicans are shameless. I've never seen them as Evil as they are today. It's disgusting. We're talking about a child/children here, but for these republicans members of the House, they're more concerned with themselves! It's arrogant and selfish.

Foley isn't an alcoholic either. I don't believe it for a second. It was a political ploy for him to protect himself. One of the republican members of the Ethics Committee said yesterday in part that there isn't much to do about Foley now because he has resigned the House! WTF????? Bunch of coward bastards they all all...

And yes Clif, it is going to get worse, especially with all these new pages coming forward. As you eloquently pointed out to me the other day.....the republicans, young male prostitutes, and sex have all been connected for years! Back in the 1980's this was the talk of the town!!! Spit. Yuck.

Friday, 06 October, 2006  

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