Friday, October 06, 2006

Hastert's delusions of power.......

From AMERICAblog;

Hastert: The buck stops with my staff

"If it's members of my staff, or they didn't do the job, we will act appropriately. If it's somebody else's staff, they ought to act appropriately as well." - Denny Hastert, 10/5/06

Yes, Republican Speaker Denny Hastert will leave no stone unturned in his effort to blame the staff of his office, or anybody else's, for his utter failure to address a child sex predator he knew about five years ago.

Let's review the facts:

FACT: GOP staff, working for Republican Speaker Denny Hastert, warned the page class of 2001-2002 to stay away from Foley - five years ago.

FACT: Former chief of staff to GOP Rep. Tom Reynolds (R-NY), Kirk Fordham, says he warned Hastert's chief of staff of Foley's behavior three years ago. Whether or not you believe Fordham, his testimony is consistent with the other facts showing that the Republicans knew about Foley's behavior long before last week.

FACT: Both Reps. John Boehner, the Republican House Majority Leader, and Tom Reynolds both say they told Dennis Hastert personally about the Foley issue months ago. Hastert says Boehner is lying. So one of the two most powerful Republicans in the House is lying about an investigation into a child sex predator. That deserves a separate investigation right there.

FACT: Hastert's staff was informed of the Foley emails a year ago, but Hastert would like us to believe his staff simply never told him that a member of Congress, a member of his leadership team, was under investigation for preying sexually on young children - children who Hastert was responsible for.

And finally, the Republicans would have us believe, yet again, that a 52 year old man sending emails to a 16 year old boy he doesn't even know, and talking to that boy about how his 16 year old friend has a great body, is somehow simply "overly friendly." That is absurd on its face.

Yet if you listen to FOOLES like Rush(little blue pill) Limpman, who got in trouble coming back from a country KNOWN for an illicit child sex trade, with Viagra, or other reichwingnut talking heads;

It was the democrats who KEPT Denny from investigating this scandal longago.

They kept him from doing anything about Tom Delay when that scandal broke,

They prevented Hastert from investigating Duke Cunningham...

They refused to allow the speaker of the house who had a majority so could pass any bill or rule they wanted from investigating Bob Ney,

WHO would have known the Democrats had such power.

You would have thunk the Democrats would have used their power to pass the minimum wage for the poorest workers.

Or they would have used it to provide enough money for ALL the wounded vets from ALL the wars this country has fought.

Or they might even have used it to make sure that seniors had a better plan than Medicare part D, BUT NO....

According to the repugs and their IDIOT MINIONS all they wanted to do was prevent Denny Hastert from investigating a repug sex scandal between a 52 year old man and minor male children.


Blogger KayInMaine said...

On Americablog today it was being talked about how Hastert's new phoneline that he has established for the pages to make their complaints is actually obstruction of justice. Why? Because the House will be recording these calls and will be using them for their own defense! Dispacable!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hastert is a criminal right along with Foley for using these kids the way the have and they way they are doing it now.

Friday, 06 October, 2006  

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