Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Even the dogs are dissenting against the most vile...

...and traitorous presidency in the history of the United States! After watching Keith Olbermann's smackdown of Bush on 9/11/06 yesterday (linked below), as an American, how could you NOT want to pee on all of them knowing they used September 11th as a political propaganda tool to divide Americans instead of using the day to unite our country!!! It's so outrageous. I spit on them all. Who let the dogs out? Rational thinking Americans did that's who!


Blogger SadButTrue said...

WooHoo! I finally get a frist frist on Kay's new blog!! Kay, you are on fire! I think that idiotic ABC/Disney dogudramouse has put everybody's pissed-off-ometers past the red line. lol.

Tuesday, 12 September, 2006  
Blogger KayInMaine said...

It sure has!!!!!!! When Olbermann spoke yesterday I wept for my country and still cannot believe that the president of the United States along with his right wing nutcases have used propaganda in the form of a "docudrama" (or should I say...lie-o-drama) to rewrite history to benefit their vile, traitorous, corruptness!!!

I spit on them.

Keith Olbermann is the voice of reason. Let's hope the LIBERAL MEDIA starts listening to him!!!!

Tuesday, 12 September, 2006  
Blogger KayInMaine said...

Sadbuttrue, THANKS SO MUCH FOR HELPING ME AND GIVING ME TIPS FOR THIS BLOG. I'm going to invite you tonight to be a contributor to keep this blog alive!! Woohoo!!!

You're a true Patriot. Thank you. :-)

Tuesday, 12 September, 2006  

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