Wednesday, October 25, 2006


This election cycle if it was not;


it would be:


all over again.

Bush has out done his "daddy" in another way, he has given democrats TWO GOOD reasons to run against his policies on.

The National security of the country and the fiscal security of the people.

Your doing a heck of a JOB , Georgie...

Can we fire the Idiot NOW?

At least we can fire some of his enabling sycophantic minions come Nov 7th.


Blogger KayInMaine said...

That's right Clif! The reason why unemployment is so low is because many people are having to work a couple of low paying jobs to get by after their unemployment runs out. Are they counting those whose unemployment has run out? Nope!!

Why is the economy looking good? Well, that's because the top corporations and their owners are doing great, especially the ones connected to this atrocious occupation in Iraq!!! They're keeping the stockmarket high.

I read an article a few days ago about how Emeritrade and other top online stock buying sites where "people" (I wouldn't be surprised if it was people working at these online stock companies) are hacking into an individuals account and adding stocks to it to drive the price up on this stock to make it more valuable and then selling it off to make a huge profit!

So, you see, Bush can tout all he wants, but the reality is his Minions below him are faking out the masses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They have been and will always too.

I hate them.

Wednesday, 25 October, 2006  
Blogger clif said...

Kay it is even bad for the troops, they give the low ranking troops a paltry 2.2% increase, or about $33.00 per month for a private, but the top 125 generals get a 8.7% increase or about $1100.00. Bush ET AL are trying to BUY off the top brass.

And some of the troops families are told to go on welfare to make ends meet, the Military EVEN runs a WIC office in overseas areas of deployment.

The MILITARY website even has THIS PAGE for soldiers to find out how to apply for WIC benefits.

I can NOT believe the hubris of this Administration that they would tell the troops families they need welfare because the Idiot in Chief and His minions can not find enough money to pay the lower grade troops, IN A TIME OF WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I'll bet the government workers at the local welfare offices make the soldiers wives feel like SHIT for applying for benefits because their husbands some of who are in Iraq and Afghanistan

Fuck spit, kick these ass wipes in the balls. HARD and repeatedly.

Wednesday, 25 October, 2006  
Blogger Larry said...

273 US troops have now come forward asking Congress to put an end to this worthless war.

That should make Bush happy. There are 273 more people that he can accuse of helping the enemy.

Isn't that what he usually does with those who disagree with him?

Wednesday, 25 October, 2006  

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