Saturday, October 21, 2006

Israel & D.I.M.E. weapons

Oh boy. Can anyone say war crimes? Well, it appears that Israel has D.I.M.E. technology (dense inert metal explosives which gives a powerful blast in a small area) and used in Gaza recently. It's my understanding that the use of this kind of weapon is considered illegal by international war treaties. The United States is saying that we also have this technology but it's still in it's research/testing phase (of course they're saying that because they don't want blood on their hands!!!), so we can't be blamed for putting this technology in the hands of the Israelis!!!

I'm so tired of the bullshit. War crimes have been committed for years under the Bush Regime and if Americans don't smarten the hell up and vote for change in November, IT'S GOING TO CONTINUE.

Here's the first part of the article in the Christian Science Monitor:

posted October 19, 2006 at 12:35 p.m.

Israel may have used experimental weapon in Gaza

In response to Italian TV report, Israel denies use of "Dense Inert Metal Explosives."

By Tom Regan

An investigative report aired by the all-news state-run satellite channel in Italy alleges that Israel may have used a new weapon in Gaza recently that causes "especially serious physical injuries."

Haaretz writes that the Rai News 24 investigation follows reports by Gaza-based doctors of inexplicable injuries: an exceptionally large number of wounded who have lost legs, severe burns, and injuries unaccompanied by metal shrapnel that comes from a conventional bomb. Some of the doctors also claimed that they removed particles from wounds that could not be seen in an x-ray machine.

The Italian report identifies the possible cause of such effects may be a new weapon, launched by unmanned drones, mostly in July, though there were also reports of similar attacks in August. The Italian investigation raises the possibility that Israel has developed a weapon similar to the US military's Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME), "which causes a powerful and lethal blast, but only within a relatively small radius."

Read the rest of the article and the links contained in it here.


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