Monday, October 23, 2006

The press conference we would all watch.

It will never happen, but the fact that only Dumsfeld and his minions think the cartoon is offensive and untrue, NOT the majority of the American people is tellimg.

Ronald McDumsfeld has surpassed Robert McNamara as the most out of touch and most dangeroug secretary of Defense. His hubris is astounding, but what I really wonder is what is Dummy Donny gonna do? Paul Wolfowitz has grabbed the Office McNamara went to, so is Dumsfeld gonna pull a Johnson, retire back home grow his hair long and sulk about how badly history is treating him?

It would be fitting.


Blogger WORFEUS THE SEER said...

Lol. If he did say that it would be the smartest thing he ever said.

Tuesday, 24 October, 2006  

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