Wow! A GOPer is demanding...

...that Congress investigate the anthrax attacks from 2001! Finally. Of course, I could be celebrating a little too early, because once the FBI is pressured and the facts become known of who was behind these attacks, the investigation will come to a screaming halt. Why? I believe the anthrax attacks after 9/11/01 were perpetrated by individuals in our own government who were (and still are!) right wing loyalists to George W. Bush and his cause. The anthrax laced letters were not sent TO ONE REPUBLICAN, but were sent to Washington democrats and to those in the media who are liberal leaning.
Who are the only people in our country who hate and despise the democrats and the media (and who think the media is liberal biased)? The republicans!! Right after 9/11, the Pigs in the White House needed to continue the fear and needed to give another image to their base that the reason why we were attacked was because of the gays, democrats, and other liberal leaning thinking! I believe they were behind the attack and I'm not sure GOPer Grassley is going to like that when he finds out.
One thing I never the hell did an Arab living in a cave in the Middle East (you know, the people who were blamed for the 9/11 attack) know the address of one of our Senators, his address, and knew all the democratic/liberal leaning media personalities to send these anthrax laced envelopes! Huh? Oh, that's right. Bush Loyalists sent the anthrax from our own military. The End.
(article linked above in the title of this post)
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