Monday, October 23, 2006

What will the Bush Library look like in the future?

A Boston Globe writer weighs in:

The stout-hearted could take in a lifelike simulation of the torture chambers of Abu Ghraib. Viewers would exit via the blinking color-coded lights of the Hall of Fear, showing the innumerable efforts to keep the American electorate in a permanent state of anxiety. An educational exhibit would trace the falsification of intelligence linking Saddam Hussein to Al Qaeda and to nuclear weapons, and the helpful role of credulous reporters.

The nearby Spin Gallery would feature journalists who temporarily thrived by serving as Bush's enablers. Judith Miller and Bob Woodward would each get a room. In the nearby Chamber of Echoes, viewers could trace administration talking points from press handouts to Fox News commentaries, editorials in the Wall Street Journal, and talk-radio scripts.

The Hall of Faith would depict the gift of tax-supported services to mega-church empires, and include videos of speeches by Bush's favorite televangelists, such as the Rev. Jerry Falwell calling the 9/11 attacks God's punishment for America's sinful ways. The parallel Hall of Science would display the handing over of science policy to deniers of global warming, religious opponents of stem-cell research and contraception, and sponsors of theological reinterpretations of Darwin.
The article linked above gives more detail and the author paints a very scary picture, but I bet in the future the current republicans will be working on that library like the Worker Bee's do for the Queen Bee! These republicans will diligently make sure that the Bush Queen Bee's needs are met, which will mostly consist of rewriting history to make him look good and won't contain not one thing mentioned in this article. Spit.


Blogger Larry said...

The Bush library will look like a tattered mess like every country he has placed his filthy hands on.

Monday, 23 October, 2006  
Blogger clif said...

Larry is a room with ONE book, "My Pet Goat" really a library?

Monday, 23 October, 2006  
Blogger Larry said...

My Pet Goat is really part of the weekly reader series that Georgie is just beginning to try and read.

Monday, 23 October, 2006  
Blogger KayInMaine said...

Bush just learned how to pick a goat out of a picture of farm animals and will be learning how to spell 'goat' in a few years.


Tuesday, 24 October, 2006  

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