Thursday, October 26, 2006

At least NOW we know the error of our ways.

Why be competent when deceit, dishonesty, fraud, bribery, kick backs, smear campaigns, lies, and Lots and Lots of campaign donations will win almost every time. The sheeple eat it up, and turn on American Idol, or the latest chapter of pretty, dumb, blond and missing . And they can refinance their house to gamble in Las Vegas, or suntan in Florida for a couple of weeks while digging the debt hole that much deeper.

The neo-cons had no more an intention of bringing "democracy" to Iraq than the Nazi's had bringing it to Poland. They had to sell a war to people who ask for facts in 30 second sound bites, and fear sells like nothing else. So they lined up the "reasons" for the war and have spewed them out. One lie at a time, until even the Kool-aid swilling fooles could no longer accept it with a straight face, then just switch to the next lie. No explanation necessary, because the latest lie is the only relevant lie as far as their justification of the war is concerned. The previous lie that is discarded is inoperative, and bringing it up is simply being unpatriotic. We are at the point when the lies have failed to cover up the stench of the fiasco the neo-cons have wrought upon us.

NOW they have the Gall to ask what the progressives, who screamed at the top of their lung NOT to go, what we would do with the abortion of a country they made Iraq into. It is not what went wrong that haunts them, but the fact that with their voter suppression and Diebold machines, and wiz bang GOTV campaigns it might not be enough this time. So they attempt to spread the blame to all of us because WE have no plan to fix what they broke even if we tried to tell then NOT to. That is NO plan, and therefore we are at fault for not pulling their assess out of the fire.

Drowning people, destroyed cities in both Iraq and America, body bags, and piles of Iraqi torture victims at the Baghdad morgue do not slow them down. Tens of thousands of innocent people swept up for nothing more than being in the wrong skin at the wrong time, is the price they indigenous population is expected to pay for the "freedom" they got. Freedoms like being tortured at Abu Ghraib, and having their homes raided, and getting shot at checkpoints because they were never raised to speak English. It is collateral damage for the plan, the PNAC plan to control the oil market and middle east for another generation. We who were not anointed by GOD are supposed to sit down and shut up, because we obviously have NO right to challenge them in their mission, which it seems was NOT ACCOMPLISHED after all.

But that is a small detail that the rightwingnut talking heads can pass of as the fault of those who impeded them from achieving the righteous plans of dear leader. Remember it really is all our fault we did not fight harder for their illegal plans. We did not give up enough freedoms and sacrificed the lives of those they send into harms way silently enough(except for the photo ops of memorial day and veterans day). The troops are supposed to fight the war, and show up for the patriotic campaign backdrop images. Those who care for them should be grateful that the troops were given the chance to serve dear leader.

It is really all our fault we are not grateful enough, not for what they stole, No we are not grateful enough for what they have not stolen yet, and we still have. We are at fault because we dare to question them, and demand a resemblance to the reality we see, NOT the spin they claim it is. We complicate their plans because we will NOT rubber stamp them like their sycophantic minions in congress have for the last four years have done. And we expect results that include more than an increase of their bottom line, and an ever rising stock market.

Silly us, we thought the country was about all of us, which included truth, justice, honor, and a shared responsibility. At least NOW we know the error of our ways.


Blogger Mike said...

Excellent post Clif, its like i've been saying all along, the war was NEVER about democracy or WMD, it was all about oil and power, NOTHING MORE. they are using this war to line their own pockets and those of big oil and to change laws and dismantle the Constitution to insure perpetual unchecked power for themselves.

Thursday, 26 October, 2006  
Blogger Mike said...

Its all smoke and mirrors with the fear and smear crowd, they've boxed themselves into such a corner with all the lies and deceit, that, thats all they have left.

Thursday, 26 October, 2006  

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