Friday, December 08, 2006

Which study group Did their Homework, and which just tried to skate by?

In case you do not know the first report on this post is Bush's plan for victory in Iraq released a year ago.

And we all know what The Iraq Study Group report is. Which group did their homework, Looked at the problem and asked pertinent questions, instead of creating reality they wanted to be true?

And which group has not dealt with reality very well?

Because ONLY one study can represent reality as it exists on the ground in Iraq.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whats amazing is this so called "bi-partisan" panel was not really so bi partisan.

Alan Simpson, longtime Bush ally James Baker, the Reagen era throwback, Edmund Meese, Sandra Day O'conner... Leon Panetta, ALL supporters of the war in Iraq.

In fact, NO ONE on the commission was against the war.

And they STILL said Bush got it all wrong!

Thats gotta hurt.

Friday, 08 December, 2006  

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