Saturday, December 02, 2006

Condi Can't talk About It

Little Condi Rice can't talk about it, but she does admit, rather sheepishly, what the world has been saying for years, that the war in Iraq is a mess and that Bush and company has made many blunders.

Condi says "I'm Sure We've Made "Mistakes" you can be involved in something this big and and not know there things you should have done differently.

Condi says its not the time to talk about the mistakes in Iraq, they have to look forward.

Condi says she can look back and "Write Books" about what we might have done differently.

Condi may have fluffed her way through the questions but she did say one truthful thing that the world already knows through personal suffering.

That Famous quote " I'm Sure We've Made Mistakes".

Yes sweet innocent Condi "I'm Sure You've Made Mistakes As Well."

The only problem is Condi, your mistakes have cost the America greatly.

You're mistakes have costs thousands of lives, thousands more decapitated, and thousands of families to suffer the rest of their lives.

Yes Condi "I'm Sure You've Made Mistakes."


Blogger KayInMaine said...

Condi is the woman who vacationed right along side Bush when all those pesky reports were coming in in 2001 that al-Qaida was getting ready to attack our country. She and the rest of the Cabal were complicent in the 9/11 attack. She is a disgrace to our nation and she is the least affective Secretary of State ever in the history of our nation! Anytime a SOS continues shoe shopping in NYC while Americans are drowning in their freaking attics is not a very good one!

If Bush was smart, he'd fire himself right along with the rest of the assholes around him. They've all hurt our country right down to the very core of it.

Sunday, 03 December, 2006  
Blogger Larry said...

Condi hasn't time to do her job (even if she was capable) because she has to do more shopping for Georgie. Its Christmas time and if she gets Georgie the right gift, maybe he will let her have Cheney's job.

Monday, 04 December, 2006  
Blogger Larry said...

Condi keeps it up and she will boot plastic face Laura from Bush's arm and move in herself.

Nice to see you here Mariamaria.

Monday, 04 December, 2006  
Blogger clif said...

Well Condi has slipped up in the past and called the chimp her husband.

I just can't figure out who would LOSE in that deal?

Tuesday, 05 December, 2006  
Blogger Larry said...

Plastic smile would be the winner to nget rid of Georgie.

Tuesday, 05 December, 2006  

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