Thursday, November 09, 2006

I hope Rush Limbaugh chokes on his own vomit

Rush Limbaugh (or Ass Limbo as I like to call him) seems to have had an awakening. Oh wait. He has? Could it be true? Could he have seen the light after Tuesday's historic election and now wants everyone to believe that he was never part of the 'Pack of Fascist Thieves' in the White House for years now and was only spewing THEIR CRAP because he just felt it was for the good of the nation and thought it was needed? What!!! The man is completely freaking insane!

Here's part of what he said (you can read the rest above in the title link):



Oh, okay Ass Limbo. After all these years, you're now deciding that your gig was just a lie so you could collect a paycheck to swoon all the wives you've had in your measly life, huh? Is that what you're trying to imply with these statements? Well, you're lying and spewing again and you freaking know it.

What Rush Limbaugh did was to react just like the Nazis would have had they been put in the same predicated (and before they committed suicide). Instead of going against the democrats and saying his normal spew of hatred, he decided to wash himself of his own filthy, rotten, stinking party that he has praised and helped develop for years now. Why? To make himself feel better and to NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR HIS CONTRIBUTION IN WHAT HE'S DONE TO THIS COUNTRY FOR THE PAST 15 YEARS OR SO. The Nazis would have done the same thing! Instead of defending what they did (because in their mind what they did was right, just, and pure for the "good of the country") against those who would have exposed the atrocities, they would have said things like, "I never liked what was happening" or "It never felt right to me to be killing these people or making them out to be animals to help out our cause" or "I never really wanted to 'carry the water' for these folks, but did so, because we knew the stakes were high" (this last statement is part of what Ass Limbo said to his listeners on Wednesday).

This man has "killed" Americans, you know, the ones that are for the poor, for peace, for love, and for the good of the country. Ass Limbo is the opposite of all that and when Americans kicked his type to the curb, across the parking lot, and down the street on Tuesday, he held his head in shame but couldn't let us liberals, democrats, or rational republicans get away with making him look bad. He decided instead to make himself out to be the victim. This seems to be a pattern with "this type of person". They're pathetic people and Ass Limbo is their leader.

I spit on him...I spit on his face...I spit on everyone who has ever believed a word coming out of this asshole's mouth...and I spit on any future children he may have if he decides to not force an abortion on the woman. He deserves to be fired from our country for even THINKING that he was doing any good for our country for years now.

That's how I see it. He gets no respect from me at all. His words meant nothing to those of us who live in reality. I hope he gets the Karma he freaking deserves which I hope comes in the form of a liberal behind the wheel of a car, who reaches for some water on the floor, while her child in the back seat says aloud, "Mommy, I'll carry that water for you!", and the liberal proceeds to run over Limbaugh. He dies and is found with the bottle of water shoved down his throat.

Or... I hope he chokes on his own vomit while spewing their crap tomorrow and downing the pills with vodka that he says he's not doing anymore!



Blogger clif said...

Rush Limpballs, admitted he LIED for the repugs?

He did not tell the truth?

Please tell me he is kidding,


because the thought of a fat, drug addicted, limp, waste of human flesh lying on the public air waves, was........


well it was expected.

After all;

He's far too fat and ugly to offer to use kneepads for them.

Thursday, 09 November, 2006  
Blogger KayInMaine said...

Yup! You heard it straight from the elephants mouth.......Ass Limbo says he was just kidding all these years and he's been lying to his listeners for the good of the freaking country!


The man is a freak and it's now obvious he was a botched abortion that went full term (sorry for this metaphor but it just seems so fitting since the repukes are so hypocritical!!!!).

Awwww, poor Limbo. He's just a huge elephant shaped smoke 'n mirror.

Thursday, 09 November, 2006  
Blogger KayInMaine said...

I can't wait to find out from Ass Limbo that he:

Paid for 16 abortions

Cheated on all of his wives

Has burnt 25 US flags in the last 20 years

Has slept with a man

Has never told the truth in his life and that we can't be sure he is now either because he is so pathelogical about lying

Only does meth when his pastor is in town

Has been dating Mark Foley since he first came to the US House 12 years ago

Never liked war

Loves liberals and always has

Thursday, 09 November, 2006  
Blogger clif said...

Kay you missed the reason he snuck off to the Dominican Republic with a bottle of Viagra.

Thursday, 09 November, 2006  
Blogger KayInMaine said...

Oh that's right Clif. Ass Limbo likes sleeping with 12 year old girls in the Dominican Republican but hates people in America who do the same thing.

Silly me! Forgot we were talking about the biggest hypocrite Pig in our nation, Clif. :-)

Thursday, 09 November, 2006  
Blogger clif said...

Keith gave Limpballs man the bronze for revealing he LIED for years.....

Bill O won as usual for saying the Shiite and Sunni should never be mentioned again, like the stopped existing.

Two assclowns who need to try to set the rowboat record from England to the US together, during the winter months.

Thursday, 09 November, 2006  
Blogger Larry said...

Limbaugh doesn't want to admit that he helped spread the Republican lies, which assisted in their downfall.

Limbaugh is a typical Republican. He loses so he blames everyone but himself.

Thursday, 09 November, 2006  

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