The War Rages On
One day after Bush fired Rummy and declared he wants to win his war, 66 more Iraqis were killed in yet another bloody day as usual in Iraq.
Does Bush think he can hide behind the cover of his daddy's buddies to get out of the mess he has created?
Does Bush think he can stay in the background appearing humble and willing so the Democrats can take the blame for the disaster made solely by George Bush?
This war was, is and always will be a George W Bush creation and he deserves all the credit in the world for his precious creation.
Firing Rumsfeld did nothing more than take the news cycle from Bush getting stomped in the elections, to Bush firing Rumsfeld.
This is a Bush war and Bush should be the one to get all the credit, blame and scorn for his masterpiece.
You are right there are others, inparticular Cheney and the think tank Cato Institute, who sits and devises ways to take over the world.
It is the right wing think tank that projected an easy scenario for an Iraqi takeover, which never materializes.
Of course we don't want to forget Condi Rice, who is in the thick of all this mess.
Thanks for the site Gary. I hadn't been on The Nation for some time and forget what a good site it was.
This blog as well as White Noise Insanity belongs to Kay in Maine.
I don't know when Lydia will be doing that, Kay asked Cliff and myself to post here to help her out.
Kay has 3 blogs. If you look on the left side of the home page you will find links to the other 2.
The other is Rooster Patriots.
The war rages there, but we WON a big battle HERE, to end it there.
You are right Cliff, now if we can get rid of Bush nand Cheney, the battle will be complete.
They have had their BALLS snipped, and they will get little they wanted before the election.
Better they remain for a couple of years to really point out the difference between the NEW progressive movement and the dying repug sham.
Keep an eye on Romney. I think he is a sleeper for the Repubs.
Surely Jebby is smart enough to stay out of 08 since his brother left things in such a mess.
Romney is the only real hope they got, but Bush and Cheney will screw up MORE in the next two years, Like Ann Richards said, "They just can't help it."
Its pretty bad that someone in his mid 50's has a pattern of having his daddy bail him out of every mess he gets into.
The sad thing is this affects millions of people.
I can't believe Bush would let his daddy bail him out of this, since he is so stubborn.
Maybe momma got involved.
They are saying Melhman is OUT as GOP chairman......too sweet.
Yes Larry I'm sure when Barbra gives an order, both Georges salute.
That's great about Mehlman. I can't stand that sleezy con artist.
Peter King is saying a YEAR NOW, isn't that a TIMELINE?
I guess repugs were against timelines before they LOST, now not so much.
Isn't is amazing that even the Repubs wouldn't hardly mention getting out of Iraq before the election?
Hell, Larry before the election, repugs THOUGHT they created reality, but reality BITCHSLAPPED then a good one.
I hope this dismantles the Republican party and it will all be because of their leader Bush.
Larry it seems to be self destructing only a day after the election.
It looks like the great machine has blown a gasket, and is falling apart in front of our eyes.
It will be the topping on the cake if Rove gets the axe.
Rove will get axed. But to run somebody else's campaign, proly McCains.
Which in the current environment could be a kiss of death.
If Rove running McCain's campaign is a kiss of death, I hope they make a lovely couple. McCain is a phony.
They deserve each other.
Rove will have to be seen as radioactive,two close elections which his tactical strategy almost lost, and a definite loss in 2006, NOT good for a supposedly vunderboy.
Rove has not had to run an election on a national basis with Congress in democratic hands, and he just might fall flat when he tries it.
Maybe Momma Bush will tell Junior to get rid of Rove before he has upheaval on the streets.
No Rove is gonna have to "move on" so as NOT to publicly tarnish him, unlike the throwing of Dumsfeld and Melhman under the bus.
Too many inside the beltway candidates who want to be the next repug pResident, think the need him.
Repug fallacies do die hard for them, drinking the Kool aid does that to you.
Sounds like Rove will be resigning to "spend more time with his family".
How fitting, he helped engineer the destruction of thousands of families, both US and Iraqi.
No Rove will use the excuse of wanting to do other things, only those under indictment want to spend more time with their families.
But now Rove is not gonna get away with it so easily, because if the swiftboaters do not agree with who he backs, the repug primaries could be entertaining.
Unlike 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, and 2004 the repugs are going into the 2008 election as the LOSER party of corruption and creepy values.
The inner fighting and political warfare could become brutal, and the survivor proly will be too wounded to survive a general election.
Its nice to see a party that defended everything Bush has done, finally start to turn on each other like the vipers they are.
Call it Poetic Justice, Karma, or just plain Reaping what they have Sown.
Hi Gary,
Yes, I have 3 blogs. Why? Well, let's just say White Noise Insanity was first, then I created Voice Crackin Dissent because of Keith Olberman (nevermind! long story!! lol), and then Rooster Patriots was created in anticipation of the election this week, because I was afraid that Blogger would be down and I need a non-Blogger blog to make sure my voice AND OTHERS were heard!!
Complicated, messy, but worth it!! Thank the Banana Cupcakes for Larry and Clif who have helped me out!! They've been fantastic in keeping the dialogue going on these blogs.
Thanks for coming today by the way. Nice to hear ya over here in addition to Lydia's blog and speaking of her's been awhile since I've been over!!
clif said...
Hell, Larry before the election, repugs THOUGHT they created reality, but reality BITCHSLAPPED then a good one.
Freaking hysterical Clif!!!! Love your outrage and your honesty!
Bitchslapping will be the least of the GOP's worries especially after Bill Maher outed him on live t.v. last night! Bah hahahahaha. Love it.
Check out AMERICABLOG today (linked on this blog). Aravosis posted the actual segment of Larry King's show last night and YouTube sent him a 'cease and desist' notice telling him to take it down. Awwww, poor Kenny. He's been outed and now YouTube is trying to save the day!
Ken Mehlman is gay. Funny how Kenny hasn't come out and defended himself. Oh yeah, that's right. He's gay and has been pretending he's not for years now to make sure to quiet the base.
The base is still stupid.
Kay Kenny(sweet cheeks) Melhman is thinking of "moving on" after the new year.....looks like he thinks he will be OUTED quite soon, ops Bill Mahar already has right?
Yup, Mr. Politically Incorrect was correct when he outed ole Kenny Jenny on Larry King Live!!!! Good for Bill Maher!!!
I can't wait for all the GOP elephants to start running from their own selves. Woohoo!!!! The elephants are on the run for fear of being exposed of their own hypocrisy!
Love it Clif. I've had a good week, how bout you? :-)
Good week getting even better.
BTW the outing by Mahar was picked up on BY World net daily, so it looks like the repug version of Kristallnacht is starting to happen.
Because WND has opened the can of worms, that even them do not know exactly where it is going to.
and the inner fighting in the repug party definately will get ugly with many righteous "christians" claiming God punished the GOP because they "harbored" all the horrible sinners like Rev. Haggard and Kenny Melhman.
It could get very interesting when the log cabins crash into reichwingnut born agains.
I wonder what is gonna happen NOW that the world net Daily has really opened the can of worms about in the closet repugs.
Seems as if they want to pass off the LOSS of 2006 onto them.
But starting a fight with people you do not even know you are fighting with because they hid parts of their life in the closet, is none to smart.
It could undermine people they"need" to win in 2008.
and further the isolation of the repugs with JUST the reichwingnut born agains.
I find it so hysterical Clif that forever the repukes in the country (especially online) have been saying that it's the end of the liberals and that we are a cult. Well, guess what? Surprise to the republicans! Jokes been on them! They're the ones who will be the dying breed in our nation. No one can relate to them at all except the small majority who would like to have a beer with them.
It feels so good. There were a few times when I would question myself to make sure that I am NOT who the repukes were saying I was. I held to my convictions and now know that I'm fine and so is the rest of the country who kicked these assholes out on their cans!
Love it.
About WorldNetDaily...yup, you're right. The fact that this right wing online paper IS EVEN CARRYING THE PIECE ABOUT KEN MEHLMAN BEING OUTED is perfect! We liberals and democrats don't even have to help them commit suicide, because they're doing a very good job on their own!
Love that too. :-)
This map is telling, it shows the dems as a whole expanded from congressional seats they already held to neighboring districts, which means they are expanding into like minded areas.
If in 2008 they win the districts they hold for President the repugs are gonna hate that night as much as they do last Tuesday night.
Very telling of what did happen this year.
Bill Mayer is supposed to name some more closet repubs on his show Friday night.
The Larry King outing of Mehlman was a preview.
Good for Bill Mahar, the hypocrite repugs need some LIGHT to shine on them for a while.
This could BE big, they might finally have set a date, which is funny because if they had allowed this to get out BEFORE the election and replaced Dumsfeld they might have held the senate, thank GOD they really are delusional Fooles.
Handover to Iraqi Army 'set for the end of next year'
By Ned Parker, Michael Evans and Richard Beeston
American and Iraqi officials have set a date for giving Iraq’s forces responsibility for security across the country.
Under a plan to be presented to the UN Security Council next month, the Iraqi Government would assume authority from coalition troops by the end of next year.
Only hours after Donald Rumsfeld was replaced as US Defence Secretary, American, British and Iraqi officials spoke openly about accelerating the handover process.
Baghdad made clear that it would use the Democrat victory in congressional midterm elections to push President Bush for concessions. Confidants of Nouri al-Maliki, the Iraqi Prime Minister, said that they hoped defeat would make Mr Bush more open to ideas that he had previously rejected.
However, Margaret Beckett, the Foreign Secretary, sought to play down the impact of both the Republicans’ mid-term election losses and the dismissal of Mr Rumsfeld. She said that it was unlikely that there would be a “major upheaval” of US policy in Iraq.
In a speech to the Royal United Services Institute think-tank she said: “We will leave when they are confident that they can take the role of security in the country on their own shoulders.
“I ask those who are calling for more precipitate action to consider the consequences of such action: we would be leaving the Iraqi Government without the means to prevent a further escalation in the violence, without the tools to enforce the rule of law and without the authority to prevent their country from turning into a base for terrorism.”
All sides said that Mr Rumsfeld’s departure provided an opportunity to set a clearer timetable for withdrawing all foreign forces.
A new tone was set by President Bush. He said that he was open to ideas that would help the US to achieve its goals of defeating the terrorists and ensuring that Iraq’s democratic Government succeeded.
The plan being drawn up in Baghdad, with Washington’s approval, seeks a one-year extension of the UN mandate for foreign forces in Iraq.
But it also states that by December 2007, security in the country’s 18 provinces, apart from the most violent, be handed over to the Iraqi Army and police. US and British troops would play a support role.
The process has already begun in the South, where British forces have handed over two provinces this summer and hope to complete the transfer of a third by the year end.
British military sources said that the downfall of Mr Rumsfeld had given the coalition a golden opportunity to “rebrand” its strategy in Iraq. Under his era at the Pentagon, one senior British official complained, there was “very little flexibility”.
The two key aims of the strategy, training the Iraqi Army to take over security and helping the Baghdad Government to spread its influence throughout the country, remained unaltered. But it would be possible now to make clear to the whole Middle East that US and British forces intended to leave Iraq and that the countdown had begun.
Until now Washington and London have rejected setting out a timetable for a withdrawal of their forces. But yesterday British military officials suggested that it could be completed in the next year and a half.
Haidar al-Abadi, an Iraqi MP and member of Nouri al- Maliki’s inner circle, said that the Government hoped to raise the issue of a timetable with the US Administration, which rejected it during negotiations in June. Iraqi officials believe that Washington will be more receptive now because the Admin istration is “weaker” and less stubborn.
Mr al-Abadi said that a timetable would help to destroy the popular support of armed groups, who claim that American troops will never leave the country. Insurgent groups have repeatedly called for a date for a US withdrawal as their precondition for stopping attacks.
Funny they couldn't set a date for withdrawal before Bush got his snout cut off Tuesday.
Yea Larry now that the cat is OUT of the bag, and repugs have been shown to the world as LOSERS in Both Iraq and Washington, they want to play nice, and get out of Iraq, BEFORE the next election cycle.
they almost LOST in 2004 because if Iraq, and LOST in 2006 directly as a result of the WAR, so they KNOW if we are still bringing young Americans HOME in body bags in 2008, they will get their ass handed to them in ways that 2006 didn't even come close to.
The real coup would be for Fox to lose so much of its audience that they would less viewers than CNBC.
Fox news has seemed to be holding a funeral service at times, but NOT for Ed Bradley
I wonder what members of a news organization is so down about, after all they JUST report, WE decide.
Fox is probably trying to figure out why the public is fleeing their propaganda.
The Fox anchors are probably wondering how many of them will get the Rummy axe so Murdoch can have someone to blame.
Fox anchors proly are trying to figger out when Roger Ailes's head explodes.
And who HE is gonna blame for failing the movement.
Shepherd Smith and O'Leilly will stay and probably those 2 buffoons on the morning show, but the rest may go.
Its to bad Ailes isn't one of them.
As long as Hannity gets the BOOT I will be happy, he needs a hell of a lot of EGO deflation.
Bill O is seen as a JOKE so very few rely on him for info, Hannity is still accepted by far too many people who want to be fooled by somebody like him.
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