10 reasons to vote for the party who's mission is to destroy this country
Ten reasons to vote repug;
1. Vote Republican If You Think It's A Good Idea To Put Detailed Atom Bomb Plans On The Internet For Anyone To See
2. Vote Republican If You Want To Stay The Course In Iraq
3. Vote Republican If You Think The President Should Get Advice On Gay-Bashing From A Pastor Who Secretly Bangs Male Prostitutes
4. Vote Republican If You Think The Best Way To Deal With A Child Predator Is To Cover Your Own Ass
5. Vote Republican If You Hate The Military
6. Vote Republican If You Like People Who'll Say Literally Anything To Get Elected
7. Vote Republican If You Think The Best Way To Answer A Tough Question Is To Have Your Questioner Beaten Up
8. Vote Republican If You Think That Laws Are For Other People
9. Vote Republican If You Think It's Cool For Congressmen To Pay Their Mistresses To Keep Quiet Until After Election Day
10. Vote Republican If You Still Think That This Crew In Congress Isn't The Most Corrupt, Hypocritical, Useless Bunch Of Asshats You've Ever Seen In Your Life
Otherwise cast your vote to restore this democracy back to the people, VOTE anything but repug.
Actually Republicans have already voted. Unlike loser dhimmicrats, we think ahead.
Tomorrow will be a happy day for labor union thugs, hollywood libs, whining victocrats, and bloated government bureaucrats.
Dream on FOOLE, your as delusional as your cartoon moniker shows you are.
You proly are as delusional as the Christo-fascist Haggard showed himself to be, and about as relevant to reality.
Repugs are the slime that have almost destroyed this great nation, and you still suck them off eh son?
Well your time has come and you asswipes have been found wanting.
It is the liars LIKE you and your ilk which have created the present fiasco, and your sorry as should be manning a post in Iraq, instead of crying about how the repug criminal enterprise has been outed.
If you assclowns had been HONEST about Iraq we wouldn't have gone there and you idiots would not have to catch all the grief you morons brought upon yourselves by lying to get into the war, then fighting it with a plan that any competent military leader would have rejected outright. It is NOT our fault you idiots lied and then screwed up so badly, it is entirely on your shoulders son, grow a pair and ADMIT you backed the wrong assholes.
But instead you will continue to BLAME everybody but yourself for the failings you helped create.
Heck of a job FOOLE, now get a rifle and man a post in Iraq gutless. You are SO for it.
Ha ha Freedom Fan. Love it!
Remember Foole the Japanese consider Seppuku an honorable escape, just thought you might like to know.....
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