Victory is America's!

What a night! Victory is America's!
So far the democrats have kicked ass in the House (238-200) and it's the Senate race that is still being decided at this moment. Even though it's close, the democrats have evened the score against their republican counterparts (both independents are democratic leaning, but Joe Lieberman is one of them so it will be interesting how he will be. It really sucks he won.).
The election yesterday wasn't just about the Iraq war and the economy (like the repukes in our country would like for everyone to believe. The Bush economy has sucked for pretty much everyone except the top tier) was about the corruption on Capital Hill! Americans came out in force yesterday with the idea that if one has an "R" after their name, they're gone. Corruption is the biggest downer in any society across the planet and because the Bush-appeasers in the Congress took corruption to a whole new level, Americans yesterday stole their wallets from them.
Now that the democrats have control of the House, this means they have the power to subpeona. Americans want to know what the hell these fascist Pigs have been doing with our money in connection to the Iraq war and we now will be finding out. Woohoo! (Dick Cheney stated at some point in the last few days that if he is subpeoned, he will not go. Well, guess what asshole? YOU DON'T HAVE A FREAKING CHOICE! Americans want your ass under Oath and if you don't like it....resign asshole!)
Remember: DON'T GIVE UP ON IMPEACHMENT. As the hearings unfold, Americans will decide how far to take the investigations and trials. I think it's pretty clear to the average American that the Bush Pigs have broken any law they could get their hands on. They've committed war crimes in connection to the illegal Iraq invasion and occupation. They've robbed the American treasury because of this atrocious invasion. With over 800 signing statements, Bush has annointed himself the "King of America", but because of his arrogance and in the eyes of our Constitution, he has broken many laws by doing this. So, don't give up on the idea of impeachment! These assholes will most likely resign rather than be put under Oath to get to the truth. They don't want the truth to come out, but dammit, we're going to try anyways!
The American Patriots kicked the Red Coats out yesterday, but that doesn't mean we have to sit back now and give up on the fight. We need to stay on their asses and in addition to Nancy Pelosi's first 100 hour plan, she needs to add PAPER BALLOTS to the list! Our democratic republic is in trouble. It's not a good thing when Americans don't feel like their vote is counting, especially when we're a country who prides themselves about our democracy. Voting is the key to a democracy and if it's tainted, we are no better than a Banana Republic. It needs to be federal law that all elections in this country be done on paper ballots and to use a permanent black magic marker (that's what we have here in Maine) to vote. Let's make it mandatory!!!! Woohoo!
Congratulations Patriots! Pat yourself on the back today! We all fought very hard the past few months (and years and days) to make sure people understood the catastrophe to our nation should the republicans stay in control. We got our country back yesterday and man......doesn't it feel good. I am so proud to say for the first time in a long time......I'm so proud to be an American!
As Arlo Guthrie put it in one of my favorite songs;
"Good Morning America, How Are YOU".
Today America would reply, much better Arlo.
New math my Ass
It is finally "official", the AP and NBC has called the senate race in Virginia for Webb, so the senate is Blue just like the House.....
Can America have a total victory with that idiot Bushy still in power.
His press conference seemed to say more of the same, although he heard the people speak.
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