Sunday, November 12, 2006

Bush's Gift To The Trolls

George W Bush likes his Republican counterparts and their avid support of all his policies that he has created something special for each one.

It is the Republicans, who send their trolls out each day to attack blogs of progressive thinking individuals, in hopes of bringing confusion and disruption.

It is the Republicans who avidly support each policy of Bush, no matter how damaging to the rights of Americans he is supposed to represent.

Bush created the "Homeland Security Act" and it is because of this act that Bush and his allies can spy on innocent Americans.

So Trolls, this website is Bush's present to you.

Type in your name and state, Trolls and see what Bush has done for you.


Blogger KayInMaine said...

That's right Larry. Of course, the trolls and the terrorists are the same thing so having an outlet for them to create fake ID's or what have you is pure magic to their ears! They don't care if they have a right to privacy as long as they can continue to live their criminal lives.

The End.

Sunday, 12 November, 2006  
Blogger Larry said...


Did you check out the link and put in your info for the drivers license search?

If you didn't you have to so you can see what I meant.

Sunday, 12 November, 2006  

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