Wednesday, October 18, 2006

John McCain said...

...he would commit suicide if the democrats win in November. Wow! Now, that is the smartest thing I've heard uttered from a republican's mouth for the past six years. I think all republicans in the House & Senate should follow in McCain's footsteps after the democrats kick their asses to the curb after the results come in.

Of course, McCain was joking, but it did give me some insight on how this man thinks and the rumors that have gone around for years about his time as a POW during the Vietnam war where he gave the enemy the information they wanted. This rumor could be true now. Hell, if he'll act like Hitler in the end knowing that his political enemies are coming and he takes the pill and then puts a gun to his head, then we know he gave the enemy tons of secret information just to save himself from having to endure more broken limbs! We all know McCain backed down against the big-eared, no-neck president on the torture bill, so it's not surprising that McCain is running scared over a democratic win. Woohoo!

Actually, I bet there are many republicans in the House & Senate who have bought their offices industrial strength document shredders and have a gun on hand just incase the Patriots can be seen crossing the lawn in front of their building and heading straight for them.

Torture by the democrats will come in the form of hearings and putting the fascists under Oath. This is our favorite kind of torture and we don't even like torture.

To be quite honest, I'm liking this a lot. I hope Bush's first press conference after the democrat's November ass kicking has him squirming and red faced throughout it. I, personally, will love that. Not even a chocolate cake drenched in rum with thick creamy chocolate frosting would make me that happier!!!


Blogger clif said...

Kay, maybe we could get people to go around the country and get wingnuts to sign on to Johnny Boyu's pledge, and then HOLD them to it.

So many wingnuts, so little time to get then to commit.

Wednesday, 18 October, 2006  
Blogger clif said...

Also some VA official in Nashville, got caught ripping off the VA...............................

yep he offed himself the day after he was arrested.

Wednesday, 18 October, 2006  
Blogger KayInMaine said...

I think you're right Clif! Yes, it could be called "The New Contract With America" and the republicans could all kill themselves with their Dear Leader at the helm telling them to drink the pretty colored liquid!!!

LOL I really think John McCain is onto something. This could be good for our country right now.

Wednesday, 18 October, 2006  

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