Monday, October 16, 2006

Do You Believe Bush?

A New York Times/CBS poll say only 16% of Americans believe the Bush administration is telling the truth about what they knew before the 9/11 attacks.

The poll also found that 53% of Americans believe the Bush administration is hiding something.

In layman terms, 84% of the American people believe Bush and his co-horts are flat out lying about 9/11.

Do you believe Bush when he says he is winning the war on terror?

Do you believe Bush, when he says things are great in Iraq?

Do you believe Bush, when he says the economy is great?

Do you believe Bush, when he says the Republicans are better at protecting Americans?

3000 U.S soldiers are dead in Iraq, thousands of U.S soldiers seriously and permanently injured in Iraq, and a reported 650,000 Iraqi's dead from Bush and his war.

Bush is daily lying about his war in Iraq, thousands lose their jobs in America each week, Republican scandal after Republican scandal, being brought to the forefront, and Bush says these Republicans are moral and honest.

After all these other lies, Do You Believe Bush When He Says He Knew Nothing About 9/11?


Blogger KayInMaine said...

I don't believe a goddamn word coming out of the man's mouth. I never have and I never will. He and the rest of his Cabal are nothing but a bunch of lying, stinking, no good for nothing, zeolots who are hell bent on destroying our nation, other nations, and our Constitution and other patriotic documents. For what? For their own whacked ideologies!!!

Spit on them!!!

Monday, 16 October, 2006  
Blogger clif said...

Actually Larry I belive Bush when he says he KNOWS NOTHING.......nothing at all.

Monday, 16 October, 2006  
Blogger Larry said...

You are right Cliff. Bush is like Sgt Shultz on Hogan's Heroes.

He knows nothing, nothing.

Monday, 16 October, 2006  
Blogger Chase Cooper said...

I don't know about 9/11 (I've read tons of conspiracy stories and seen documentaries, blah blah blah-- there's not real way to know for sure, of course), but I can definitely say that I don't trust Bush or his administration.
I'm curious as to if the lies started the day he first sat in the oval office, or was it before? Did dear old Dad teach him a few tricks, I wonder?

Monday, 16 October, 2006  
Blogger Mike said...

In all my 37 years I have NEVER seen a worse president or a more corupt or untrustworthy one, Bush looks America in the eye and lies with impunity, he lied about secret prisons, about torture, about warrantless spying on Americans, about the reasons and evidence for invading Iraq, about hating leaks and how he will fire any one in his administration leaking info........meanwhile he still hasnt fired him self or Cheney.

As for 9/11 that was the great enabler just like the Reichstag fire in Germany, and I am sure he knew about it and looked the other way to let it happen, because he KNEW it would justify and legitimize their self serving agenda and power grab. Bush couldnt have hoped for a better tragedy than 9/11 to take a pitiful excuse for a man and a president and give him instant credibility its like Osama is his best ally and supporter, every time an election comes up or Bush gets bad press Osama issues a threating tape to scare people into supporting wanna be tough guy Bush.

Tuesday, 17 October, 2006  

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