Thursday, October 12, 2006

Wall Street Journal Has It Right

Democcratic wins in November might boost the economy according to the Wall Street Journal panel of economist.

Most economists said the economy would perform best if the Democrats take control of at least one branch of Congress. Of 35 economist surveyed, only twelve differed in that assessment.

The surveyed economists also stated that health care and Social Security should be the top priority of Congress.

Even the far-right leaning Wall Street Journal knows that in order for the economy to prosper, it must be in the hands of Democrats.


Blogger clif said...

Anal boy, in other words all repug is BAD?

The less we have of it the better?

Right got you son.

Thursday, 12 October, 2006  
Blogger Mike said...

look kaye, johnny troll troll found his way over here, time to hit the delete button and make the moron troll feel as irelevent and impotent here as it does in real life.

Thursday, 12 October, 2006  
Blogger KayInMaine said...

I've always believed that raising taxes, especially on the corporations, makes the corporations more honest.

How can our country get out of the deficit mess right now without raising taxes? And how bout charging a huge windfall tax on the oil companies who have been stealing our money and who haven't updated their current refineries to produce more output? I bet once the dems take control gas prices will come down considerably because the oil maggots will be petrified of this tax on their profits!!! They've stolen our money, so now it's time for them to behave. :-)

Friday, 13 October, 2006  
Blogger KayInMaine said...

Deleted. Spit. :-)

Friday, 13 October, 2006  
Blogger Mike said...

Well Kaye, I agree with you that we need to raise taxes on the wealthy that were for and profitted from this war so they can help
pay for their war of choice, we'll see if they support it then, I had heard about a year ago that this war is costing each and every American $40,000 a piece, we need to get this out before the election, and we'll see who supports the war then, my bet is ONLY big oil and the wealthy elite alligned with big oil, Halliburton and Carlyle Group who stand to profit exponential more than $40,000 through their conflict of interest.

While i'm not against raising corpoate taxes to help pay their share of this war of choice and pay down the deficit, before it destroys our economy, I think a windfall tax on oil companies is clearly a mistake, and is probably the one thing the repugs are right on, all a windfall tax will do is get the energy giants to sit on their reserves and cut development which will effect supply negatively and keep prices high.

What we need is for government to stop giving tax breaks to oil companies "UNLESS" they invest in alternate forms of energy to break and reduce our dependence on oil and the unstable middle east. Its governments role to encourage oil companies to invest and develop alternate forms and sources of energy and to encourage consumers to adopt them through tax breaks and incentives.............and with the Bush criminal enterprise that is in bed with and beholden to big oil that will NEVER HAPPEN!!!!Bush made a little noise about ethanol, but thats not the answer as it costs more energy to make than you get out of it, we need our government to spearhead an effort to get the energy companies and consumers to develop and embrace wind, solar, natural gas/LGN, water, clean coal, bio waste, and partner with Canada to develop the Canadian Oil Sands where there is more oil possibly than Saudi Arabia and we dont need to fight wars of choice to get access to those reserves or have the blood of 655,000 and growing on our hands or the need to torture.

Friday, 13 October, 2006  

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