Bush's Marvelous War
33 Iraqi's were killed in Baghdad today in yet another blast, which on a daily basis kills dozens of innocent lives.
80 Iraqi's were killed nationwide in what has come to be a part of daily life as Iraqi's watch the "liberators" further invade their country.
103 U.S soldiers have been killed during the month of October in Iraq, in what has turned out to be one of the bloodiest months since Bush's invasion.
There have been a "reported" 2,814 U.S. soldiers have been killed since Bush invaded Iraq.
It has been reported that nearly 750,000 Iraqi's have been seriously injured since Bush's invasion.
The Dept of defense claims 20,687 U.S. military have been wounded and since Bush's invasion.
The reported Non Mortal casualties for U.S. personnel totals 44,779 according to the Dept. of Defense.
Keep in mind the U.S. government normally underreports deaths and amount of people wounded so their war won't appear so bad.
George W Bush claims in nearly every speech that the U.S is winning the Iraq war and the "War on Terror".
As the civil war in Iraq widens, as the death toll on Iraqi's grow, and as U.S soldiers deaths continue to increase, the evidence becomes more and more clear.
Bush's marvelous war is marvelous only for the Bush elite.
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