Sunday, December 17, 2006

We are losing the War in Iraq

Colin Powell told an audience watching Face The Nation that "The U.S is losing the war in Iraq and sending in more troops is not the best way to change course."

Powell the former Secretary of State to King George and the very same idealogue who stood before the United Nations and told the fabricated story of weapons in Iraq, finally is telling the truth that the U.S is losing the war.

Powell also said the U.S army is just about broken and the war has left Americans a little less safe.

The Republican Dream General who lied before the world just to be one of the boys has finally "came clean"on the situation in Iraq.

Can King George with his extra large tin ears, hear the voice of the one he shoved up front to sell his war for oil scheme?

Can King George deny that Powell is a cut and run kind of guy when Powell supported King George in his quest for world dominance?

Will the eratic Republican party attack Powell like a pack of dogs in heat, or will they remain silly in their silence because he is supposed to be "one of them?"

King George, your front man in selling your story of woe, your front man who gave his credibility for the price of being near your throne, your big brave general who could do no wrong has finally admitted what we all know, the U.S is losing the war.

The ball is in your court King George. Will you call daddy to get you out of this one? Will you call Condi to console you over this admittance of your failures?

Colin Powell said,"we are losing the war in Iraq." Did you hear that proclamation over your glass of vodka that you claim not to drink?

You King George have ruined America.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent summary Larry.

2007 is going to be a good year for the truth.


Monday, 01 January, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Are you a good witch, or a bad witch?

Monday, 01 January, 2007  

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