Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Iraq Study Group Advises Bush Be Confined To Naughty Chair

WASHINGTON (IWR News Satire) - The bipartisan Iraq Study Group made a unanimous recommendation today that the President Bush should be confined to the naughty chair until the end of his term in 2009.

"It doesn't matter if we go long, short, home or if we end up slicing and dicing the whole goddamn country with a Vegomatic.

The first thing we have to do to stabilize Iraq is make sure dumb shit doesn't start anymore friggin' wars or piss any more Muslims off, and the best way to do that is to confine the moron to his naughty chair in the Oval Office," said Jim Baker to reporters.


Blogger Larry said...

Excellent photo Cliff.

It was nice that the idiot in chief had time out of his day of playing in Cheney's sandbox to pose for a appropriate photo.

Wednesday, 22 November, 2006  

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